Epilepsy, EEG & EMU


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Seizure Syndromes 

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Drugs that lower seizure threshold

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Pediatric AED Dosage and Formulation

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AED Side Effects and Black Box Warnings

Recommended Books

Rowan's Primer of EEG - 2nd Edition

If you are a starter in the field of EEG reading then this book should be your first step. It explains how to read EEG from the scratch. From normal, variants, artifacts to abnormal findings, brief, quick and covers all basics.

Costs: 40$ on Amazon

Atlas of EEG Patterns

If you have a good background about EEG and want to learn further, if you want to pursue your career in the field of epilepsy or if you want to be a professional EEG reader then this should be your next step.

Costs around 100-140$

Fisch and Spehlmann's EEG Primer - 3rd Edition

If you are done with basics and looking forward to be an epileptiologist, then this is your next target. A very comprehensive book written by one of the leaders in the EEG science Dr. Bruce Fisch. Costs around 100$ on Amazon

Epilepsy Currents

Another comprehensive book for all what you need to know about EEGs. 

Costs around 150 $

Online Free Resources for Epilepsy & EEG reading

AES Residents EEG Course

Walk through EEG course for neurology residents 

SCORE EEG Learning Platform

A unique platform through Remote Desktop connection that gives you access to an EEG machine with hundreds of stored EEGs, compare your diagnosis with tutor's diagnosis. 

You will need to email them to get the unique code required for registration. If you are running Mac, download Microsoft Remote Desktop connection app to be able to open the downloadable link.

EEG Atlas - Online

Free to use without a subscription, Dr David Strayhorn established this website to serve as an extensive atlas of different normal and abnormal EEGs. Don't forget to test your reading skills using the included EEG archive!


Interpretation of the Normal Adult EEG: Normal Patterns and Common Artifacts

A brief introductory course for the EEG basics

Free to AAN members

Electroencephalography (Free book from AES)

An introductory text and atlas for normal and abnromal adult and child EEG. Free access from American Epilepsy Society.


Epilepsy Currents

A free access journal from American Epilepsy Society.

Educational contents

Power point slides, prepared by AES for students and residents.


Epilepsy Diagnosis

An Online database for epilepsy syndromes and underlying etiologies. Developed by ILAE, free for all users.

Epilepsy Grand Rounds (GW University)

George Washington University Epilepsy Center Grand Rounds Series

Paid EEG Courses

Case Western 8-weeks EEG Course

In person 8-weeks EEG course at Case Western University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH. 

Course is held twice a year, Feb-March and July-August. Only 30 applicants per course. 

Course if free but applicant will be responsible for his accommodation. 

Cape Town Univeristy EEG Online Course

A 6-months online course offered by University of Cape Town.  

University of South Florida EEGCare Course

A 6-months course offered through USF. From January to June.

Registration rate is 2800 for physicians and 1300 for residents.