On-Call Templates

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Templates for Calls and Morning Rounds

Stroke Alert Template - Updated 2023

Print as duplex (on both sides) with page flip on SHORT edge

One paper contains all what you need during stroke alert!

NIHSS, Stroke alert timeline, ICH score and prognosis, Hunt

& Hess, tPA exclusion criteria and the most pertinent past

medical history questions to ask in the acute setting!

Neuro-ICU rounding sheet - stable patients

Template sheet for ICU rounds for stable patients on service - 4 patients in one sheet or one patient over 4 days

Neuro-ICU rounding sheet - new patients

Template sheet for ICU rounds - more detailed for one patient, you can use it for new patients on service.

Neuro-ICU rounding sheet - new patients

Template sheet for ICU rounds - more comprehensive sheet for critical patients with spaces for all details in chart.