
Anatomy - Osteology

Osteology of Skull and Spinal Cord

Major Foramina of the Skull

Foramen Vascular Contents Nerve Contents
Supraorbital foramen Supraorbital artery & vein Supraorbital nerve
Infraorbital foramen Infraorbital artery & vein Infraorbital nerve
Superior orbital fissure Superior ophthalmic vein III – IV – V1 – VI
Inferior orbital fissure Inferior ophthalmic veins, Infraorbital artery and vein Zygomatic and Infraorbital branches of maxillary nerve (V2), Orbital branches of pterygopalatine ganglion
Optic canal Ophthalmic artery Optic nerve (II)
Foramen cecum Emissary veins to superior sagittal sinus
Cribriform plate Olfactory nerve bundles (I)
Foramen rotundum Maxillary nerve (V2)
Foramen ovale Accessory meningeal artery Mandibular nerve (V3)
Foramen spinosum Middle meningeal artery Meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve (V3)
Foramen lacerum Internal carotid artery, artery of pterygoid canal Nerve of pterygoid canal
Internal acoustic meatus Labyrinthine artery Facial nerve (VII), vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
Jugular foramen Inferior petrosal sinus, sigmoid sinus Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), Vagus nerve (X), Accessory nerve (XI)
Hypoglossal canal Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
Foramen magnum Anterior and posterior spinal arteries, vertebral arteries Medulla oblongata, Hypoglossal nerve, Cervical components of accessory
Stylomastoid foramen Stylomastoid artery Facial nerve

Important Spinal Ligaments

Ligament Function Location
Anterior longitudinal ligament Limits over-extension, supports the front of intervertebral discs Whole spine
Posterior longitudinal ligament Limits over-flexion, supports the back of intervertebral discs Whole spine
Ligamentum flavum Limits over-flexion Whole spine
Supraspinous ligament Limits over-flexion Thoracic & Lumbar spine
Interspinous ligament Limits over-flexion Lumbar spine
Ligamentum nuchae Limits over-flexion Cervical spine
Alar ligament Limits neck rotation & lateral flexion Between Axis & occipital condyles of both sides
Transverse ligament Secures the dense posteriorly Between two lateral masses of axis

Important Spinal Joints

Joint Location Type
Intervertebral synovial joints Between superior and inferior articular processes Synovial joint
Medial atlanto-axial joint Between dense (C2) and articular facet (C1), supported posteriorly by transverse ligament Pivot synovial joint
Lateral atlanto-axial joint Between inferior facet of C1 masses and superior facets of C2 Plane synovial joint